Customer Testimonials

‘Dear Phil, Marcelo and all who worked in The Case of Death and Honey,

My compliments to everyone who contributed to the creation of the Artist''s Edition of The Case of Death and Honey. In more than three decades of collecting fine press books, I have seen few books that equal the edition and none that surpass it. I am happy indeed that I was able to add the edition to my library.'

Colours of Rome
Colours of Rome
Colours of Rome

‘I have received the books, and can I just say what INCREDIBLE work you do at Ludlow Bookbinders. I am absolutely blown away, it's lived up to my high expectations - honestly, I'm so very impressed. What fine work indeed – thank you so much for the patience through this process. There will be no doubt in my mind about who I will be using for future bookbinding.’
(Anthony K. 2020)

‘ROFGO books look fabulous – thank you!’
(Louise G. 2021)

‘Excellent work! It looks BLOODY AMAZING! Great job as always Paul!!’
(Karl F. 2021)

‘Just received feedback from the client, well done, brilliant work’
(Roger J. 2020)

‘Just to let you know. The words from my client were… ‘They look absolutely awesome’, thank you so much to all involved’
(Spencer F. 2020)

‘The books have arrived and are wonderful! Congratulations to the team at Ludlow Bookbinders for another beautiful binding’
(Alkistic, 2021)

‘Oh my Goodness…. it’s gorgeous!!!! We love everything about it.’
(Abi H. 2021)

Colours of Rome

"The book provided treat after treat as we worked our way through the Solander. I knew the cafe was going to be in the pack, but I had not realised it would be so much fun and so substantive. The whole thing, from the covers onwards, has a real lightness of touch that seems so appropriate to the subject. We compliment everyone involved in the conception and execution of the project and count ourselves lucky to have a thing of such beauty and interest in our collection."

Colours of Rome

Waterloo Anthology

"I am bowled over by the quality of production and presentation of the volumes and box which I am still gawping at’".

"Congratulations on achieving a real milestone in publishing on the Battle of Waterloo. This really does stand head and shoulders above all the Waterloo titles that are being published at the moment from any number of publishers."

"I shall value and treasure your magnificent work"

"...The campaign box, the book and all the inserts are immaculate and I am proud to be the owner of something truly perfect. I can't wait to read it over the coming months and also to show it off to all my friends!"

"The final word on Waterloo, a limited edition of 125 copies, however goes to one of the judges: Waterloo is quite simply one of the best books I have ever seen, the printing and binding were exceptional - stunning"

Waterloo Anthology

Roberts Book of South African Birds

‘I received the book this morning and I am absolutely delighted with the repair to the spine. I am taking it back to South Africa where it will be used on a regular basis and will be looked at lovingly by friends who are South African bird enthusiasts. Thank you for doing this work so beautifully and quickly.’

Roberts Book of South African Birds